
Friday 13 December 2019

Royal City, Volume 2: Sonic Youth by Jeff Lemire Review

With Volume 2: Sonic Youth, Royal City goes from being a mediocre series into a flat-out terrible one.

The whole thing is a pointless flashback centred around the Kurt Cobain-looking kid, Tommy, the ghostly character every other surviving member of his family was haunted by in the first book. It might’ve been good if Tommy was an interesting character but he’s not. He gets headaches and he makes lists of his favourite albums. ... fascinating…

The rest of the book was an equal waste of time. Things we already knew about the characters from the first book are repeated again to absolutely no effect: Peter’s obsession with radios, Patti’s regrets about the man she didn’t marry, Tara and Steve start a family prematurely, Pat wants to write and Richie’s a fuckup. What was gained from seeing any of that soap-opera cheesefest begin when we got all that in the first book anyway?

Nothing in the second book adds anything to the already weak story, nor is any of it remotely entertaining. It’s just the cliched teen narrative of dull school and silly relationships ending when the kids go for a party and, like, feelings, man. Utterly pathetic and unoriginal.

I’m completely done with this title - Royal City is a royally crap comic!

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