
Wednesday 18 August 2021

Destroy All Monsters Review (Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips)

A councilman, whose dad was involved with a shady developer shortly before dying in suspicious circumstances, wants Ethan Reckless’ help in bringing down said developer. But Ethan will have to do it without his assistant Anna as she’s decided the private investigation game isn’t her bag anymore. It’s the third Reckless book: Destroy All Interest In The Series!

Three times turns out to be about two times more than Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips should’ve gone back to the Reckless well - the last book was very middling and this third one is unfortunately plain boring.

There’s way too much stuff here on Anna, who wasn’t an interesting supporting character and proves to be even less compelling in the spotlight. It was all largely irrelevant guff - she’s leaving, then not leaving, she’s got a new boyfriend, she’s had a falling out with Ethan, blah blah blah.

And the main story is equally as forgettable: a cliched “corrupt city officials” storyline that’s remarkable only for being so unimaginative coming from a writer as experienced as Brubaker.

As unengaging as this book is, it’s still smoothly-written and Sean Phillips is dependable as always, though none of his pages really stood out as especially memorable, so this is still a well-crafted comic from a technical standpoint. And the Dirty Diaper Caper was an amusing digression.

I highly recommend the first Reckless book, which is a banger full of action and fun story, almost exactly the polar opposite of this third snoozer of a book, Destroy All Monsters, which I don’t recommend!

Also, is it me or does Ethan on the cover look a lot like a certain ex-president (if they lost the double-chin)…?

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