
Sunday 11 July 2021

Cable, Volume 1 Review (Gerry Duggan, Phil Noto)

Famously old dude Cable’s suddenly a kid for some reason (I don’t follow the X-books religiously so I don’t know why)! And, like new Cable, this book is for kids, basically. He pulls a magic sword out of a giant lion-esque monster, which alerts some alien robot Power Rangers to Earth to get it and nonsense ensues.

The story is so uninspired and dreary - there’s so little to Cable it makes me wonder why he even got his own series. He’s hooking up with one of the Cuckoos and that’s about it. He’s a less interesting Quentin Quire who’s into guns. And the way Cable resolves the robot Power Rangers problem is absurdly childish - which I guess is appropriate enough for a kid character in a kid’s book.

The King Deadpool scene is hilarious - Gerry Duggan still knows how to write that character perfectly. I loved what Deadpool did to old Cable’s body. And Phil Noto’s art throughout is really good. As uninteresting as Duggan’s story was, Noto always found a way to make it visually engaging.

Cable, Volume 1 is something only X-Men fanboys will get anything out of - I found it really, really boring and pointless (like most of the current X-books).

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