Thursday, 25 May 2023
The Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country Review (James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren)
A young artist paints a man with eyes for teeth in painting after painting - what does it mean? So asks The Corinthian, the nightmare serial killer with eyes for teeth that Morpheus created yonks ago, stepping out of the Dreaming into the real world, for some reason. There’s a chase - a couple of obscure Hellblazer characters, Mr Agony and Mr Ecstasy, are after the artist for some reason - and there’s a billionaire who wants something because whatever. Yeah, I had no idea what was happening in this one.
Nightmare Country is a birruva nightmare to read - another amazing comic by James Tynion IV Drip! Overwritten, vague, really boring, and totally lacking in anything remotely approaching interesting, this book is nothing but incompetent fan service, member berries riddling it through and through, to zero effect.
I thought Nightmare Country might have some connection to Dream Country but it doesn’t - just a similar-sounding title because Sandman. The Corinthian, Lucien the Librarian, Matthew the Raven, Morpheus, and Thessaly all appear, also for no real reason besides Sandman.
No clue why Mr Agony and Mr Ecstasy were in here either - probably just more gratuitous member berries - or why they were doing what they were doing, but that’s all the characters really: just runnin’ around doing whatever for whatever.
A long, long way from a dream of a comic, Nightmare Country will at least put you to sleep pretty quick. Sandman fans need not apply.
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