Monday, 5 September 2022
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow Review (Tom King, Bilquis Evely)
One-dimensional bad guy kills man giving man’s daughter reason to hunt down bad guy. Supergirl’s involved because bad guy also kills Krypto, her dog. Hey, wasn’t the latter the plot for John Wick…?
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is the worst Tom King comic I’ve read yet. Unfortunately, he’s been on a bit of a downwards spiral since wrapping Batman (though Strange Adventures wasn’t bad) and he’s managed to hit a new low with his latest attempt at reviving an obscure/unpopular DC character with Supergirl.
Revenge stories are a dime a dozen so I won’t critique that, but the way he told his revenge story? That was dire. Our narrator is an alien girl called Ruthye Marye Knoll (the superfluous “e”s in her name makes her alien), a supremely verbose narrator whose extended prattling was never once entertaining nor did much to make a bland story the least bit livelier. I’ll spare you any example quotes (and I just can’t be bothered to type reams of bloated text) but, if you do pick up this book, expect blocks and blocks of useless words crammed onto nearly every page that’ll do your head in long before the end (assuming you get there).
The bad guy - Krem of the Yellow Hills - is a space pirate who kills and loots because he’s a space pirate and who’s a challenge (the usual culprits when it comes to Super-characters: Kryptonite and magic) until he doesn’t need to be, ie. the page count is reached.
King utilises that laziest of unimaginative sci-fi tropes by having Supergirl and Ruthye take in a bunch of alien worlds that are simply thinly-veiled versions of our world and its many features. Some dinosaurs fill up one issue, an obvious racism story takes up another, you get the idea pretty quickly: this is all filler for a very linear and unimpressive tale.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is awful. Frustratingly overwritten and slow-moving, it is an absolutely tedious and forgettable comic that’ll do nothing to make readers want to pick up anything further with Supergirl in the title. Even if you’re a Tom King fan, I’d recommend skipping it and sparing yourself the boredom of struggling through this unrewarding comic.
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