Monday, 12 July 2021
Lois Lane: Enemy of the People Review (Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins)
A Russian journalist is dead and Lois Lane cares for tenuous reasons! Also immigration stuff, someone’s trying to kill her for even murkier reasons, and an English witch, or something. Leviathan too - but mostly Lois and Superman smooching!
Cripes, Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins’ Lois Lane: Enemy of the People is an incoherent mess! And way too long - 12 issues of muddled, unmemorable and tediously bad storytelling. So basically the Rucka special.
I guess whoever killed the Russian journalist wants to kill Lois because they’re both principled journalists - the only two apparently! - but for what purpose is unclear. That’s because when Rucka does bother with this storyline it’s just to show Renee Montoya (who’s left the GCPD for reasons and become The Question - when did that happen? Ah who cares. Vic Sage is also The Question so apparently it’s a franchise) punching generic goons. Riveting.
I had no idea who the witch character was. She was sorta connected to Leviathan maybe (another pointless diversion) but maybe she was also in Checkmate? Rucka superficially attacks border control (Lois fights to save her housekeeper from being deported - CNN! CNN!) and the presidency (that naff cover with absurdly serious Lois holding up her White House press pass with the stamp “revoked” on it did make me laugh at least). It’s a simplistic representation at best.
It’s like even Rucka doesn’t know what he wants this book to be. As much as he tries to shoehorn in what he thinks are important issues, he offsets it by putting in even more scenes of Lois and Superman face-sucking and pursuing an utterly useless subplot about how Lois is “cheating” on her husband Clark with Superman. Wink wink - ooo, so cutesy-poo! It’s a serious book about journalism and ethics - but also wook at the womantic wuvvers!
I get it - Lois Lane is famous because of Superman. But if you’re going to do a Lois Lane series, then leave Superman out of it and show us why Lois deserves her own series. Putting him in this book so much only underlines how uninteresting she is without him. And she is DULL. She misspells words for Perry White to shake his head over - ohoho! Snore…
The worst is the new character, The Kiss of Death. It’s someone with a gun who has a bare skull with a lips/kiss mark on the forehead. That’s the level of imagination Greg Rucka has to offer. A skull. With a kiss mark on the forehead. And they’re called Kiss. Of. Death. Wow. This garbage got published, guys!
Boring, meandering, pointless, unimpressive tripe with horrible wavy, oily-looking art, Lois Lane: Enemy of Entertainment is a worthless pile of crap - don’t bother!
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