The backlash to Xavier’s declaration of mutant sovereignty begins as an elite group of soldiers is dispatched to assassinate him. Also antagonising is a peacock man and plant monsters. Gee golly I wonder if X-Force will be able to defeat them using mutant powers snore zzz...
I didn’t have high hopes for this one but I didn’t think X-Force, Volume 1 would be quite so empty of anything at all interesting. I thought the character dying at the end of the first issue was a compelling development - until I remembered the X-Men now have a resurrection machine so no-one dies for longer than a day! Wow, talk about taking away any stakes for these characters going forward.
Benjamin Percy seems to be trotting out cheap knockoffs of DC characters - the peacock man/secret society is a crappier Court of Owls while the plant monsters are the poor man’s Swamp Thing. Super imaginative work.
Percy also writes the worst Beast ever. Hank McCoy is supposed to be a kind-hearted soul - a man who looks like an animal but who’s more human than most. Here he’s just an absolute prick - blunt, aggressive, and just a hair less psychotic than Wolverine. That’s not Beast.
The main story is rescuing Domino which just means X-Force fighting, and easily beating, the latest baddies, which was only ever tedious to read. This is some kind of bold new beginning for the X-titles? Please - this is just more of the same old X-rubbish. X-Force, Volume 1 is an underwhelming, boring read.
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