Eight issues of nonsense and I still couldn’t tell you what The Batman Who Laughs was about! Far as I can tell, it’s just an excuse to trot out the derivative Judge Death-ish Batman Who Laughs villain from Dark Nights: Metal for another barney, just ‘cos. He’s brought with him the Grim Knight (aka Punisher Batman) from the Dark Multiverse and together they want to, I guess, take over Gotham or something mindlessly generic.
Scott Snyder reunites with his Black Mirror artist Jock for a much less impressive new Batman book. Also from Black Mirror is James Gordon, Jim’s psycho son, who’s brought back for no real reason besides fan service.
The awful James Tynion IV writes the Grim Knight’s origin and it’s astoopid but that’s what you get when you come up with characters that sound cool but are no more than half-baked thoughts “Durr, what if… Batman was... The Punisher?!”
I suppose this book happened because The Batman Who Laughs is a popular new character - I don’t know? I see him in more than a few books so he probably is. I don’t get it though. Like the Grim Knight, he’s a wholly superficial and uninteresting bad guy. And how does he see through that spiked metal band over his eyes anyway??
Utterly boring, instantly forgettable, badly conceived story, but then what did I expect for a sequel(ish) to the terrible Dark Nights: Metal? The Batman Who Laughs is a tedious joke of a comic.
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