
Friday 7 February 2020

Wytches: Bad Egg Halloween Special Review (Scott Snyder, Jock)

Parents in some backwater town are feeding their kids to the Wytches (weird, tree-inhabiting creatures) for Horror Reasons – will our protagonist, Some Kid, survive and who can he trust?

After a three year break since the first book, Scott Snyder, Jock and Matt Hollingsworth are back for the next chapter in their dismal series, Wytches, with Bad Egg. The only thing horrific about this Halloween Special is how horrifically boring it is!

Like most of Snyder’s comics these days, it’s insanely overwritten with Some Kid spouting some of the most contrived, unconvincing inner speechifying you’ll ever have the misfortune to trudge through. The book’s subtitle is cringingly and artlessly shoved into the feeble plot, the concepts of Wytches and their procurers haven’t suddenly become compelling and the terminology is still dumb. I can’t take anyone saying “high horn” remotely seriously!

The horror isn’t scary, the story is uninteresting – the two boys race toy cars while waiting for Horror Stuff to happen and that’s their miserable storyline - and predictable – gee, wonder if Some Kid’s mate is doomed?! Colourist Matt Hollingsworth still thinks he’s Jackson Pollock, splattering the page with colour blots and obscuring Jock’s unremarkable art in the process – brilliant! The splatters hide the Wytches’ reveal, which might be intentional to some degree, but was still annoying. I just hate the visuals on this title.

Apparently Some Kid will play a role in the second Wytches arc due next year hence this largely unnecessary Halloween Special. Not that it matters anyway as I’m abandoning this series after this terrible comic has confirmed that I don’t care about any of this at all! Scott Snyder continues his downwards spiral of near-unreadable comics – a Bad Egg indeed. And, like any bad egg, this one stinks!

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