Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Batman: The Dark Prince Charming by Enrico Marini Review
Batman puts on a blonde wig and minces across Gotham to court the Joker, who’s wearing his prettiest dress, for a romantic tryst in the moonlight in the greatest Batman story ever written, The Dark Prince Charming – finally, these two are gonna resolve their decades-long sexual tension!
Ahhhh just kidding! This lousy comic’s really about Bruce Wayne having a secret kid that gets kidnapped by the Joker for a diamond or some silly thing. The Joker does drag it up though!
Enrico Marini’s painted art is genuinely fantastic. He’s got an amazingly cinematic vision and his Batman and the myriad action scenes look brilliant. Except Marini is just another in a long line of artists who can’t write worth a damn.
The plot is plain stupid. Bruce Wayne having a secret daughter? Please. Who thinks for a second this garbage will stick or that it’s even remotely true? Joker is terrible from his generic design to his dumb motivation of stealing an expensive diamond for Harley. His repeatedly gunning down his goons didn’t seem scary or menacing, it just made me wonder why anyone would work for this idiot. Marini’s Harley is a one-dimensional bimbo only interested in sex.
I’d be happy to see another Batman comic drawn by Enrico Marini, provided he had no hand in writing it! The Dark Prince Charming is an instantly forgettable, bland and predictable read.
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