
Sunday 19 January 2020

Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Volume 4 Review (Brian Michael Bendis, Oscar Bazaldua)

Oh thank god it’s over! Brian Bendis finally delivers the mercy kill to his aimless, tortured Miles Morales run and it’s as bad as the last few books have been! It was fantastic under the Ultimate banner but the series has never been good post-Cataclysm and I’ve only been reading out of the vain hope that the series will return to its past glory (spoilerz it DIN’T!).

SHIELD are no more. Uncle Aaron somehow returns from the dead (more Secret Wars bullshit) and plans to heist a helicarrier for a mysterious buyer. Ganke gets a girlfriend. Goldballs thinks Miles fancies a girl who isn’t his girlfriend. It’s pathetic that this is the best Bendis could come up with as a send-off for the character.

I couldn’t have cared less about the feeble romance subplots and the heist wasn’t the least bit interesting either - anything involving the Champions is pure anathema to me. And bringing Uncle Aaron back was as hackneyed a move as when Bendis brought Miles’ mom back from the dead. It just shows Bendis’ dearth of creativity and ideas at this point, the end of his time at Marvel.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Volume 4 is stupid, boring, pointless nonsense that’s not worth the time to yawn through. He’s a great character though and if you want to see why, check out Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man, Vols 1-5 and then pretend everything after that never happened!

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