
Tuesday 29 January 2019

World of Tanks: Citadel Review (Garth Ennis, PJ Holden)

Operation Zitadelle took place on the Eastern front in the summer of 1943 and saw 780,800 German troops and nearly 3000 tanks take on over 2 million Russians and over 5000 tanks – ‘twas quite the argy-bargy! Shame Garth Ennis turns it into a very dull comic in his second World of Tanks books, Citadel. 

I’m wracking my handful of grey matter to try to see if there was anything I enjoyed about this one… nope! Which is kinda shocking considering I thought the first World of Tanks was absolutely cracking and has me questioning all kinds of things about myself like: was the other me that liked the first World of Tanks from the shadow realm? Or am I the one from the shadow realm? And what is the shadow realm and why am I blathering on about it?! 

The characters are flat and forgettable, there’s no real story beyond tanks and soldiers blasting each other pointlessly, the art is meh, and the details on the tanks was boring. It wasn’t the least bit fun or entertaining to read. I learned a bit about the Battle of Kursk but nothing I couldn’t have gotten from reading Wikipedia for a couple minutes. 

Most of Ennis’ war comics like War Stories, Battlefields and (maybe??) the first World of Tanks book, along with his Punisher and Nick Fury comics for Marvel, are really something, if that’s your bag; but I wouldn’t recommend this comic to anyone. Enter a world of yawns with World of Tanks: Citapoo!

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