Thursday, 28 August 2014
Weird Love #2 Review (Edited by Craig Yoe, Clizia Gussoni)
Weird Love is a series that republishes obscure romance comics from the 1950s-70s. While the first issue was kinda fun, the novelty is starting to wear off with the second one and the stories, though containing a few funny moments, are becoming less compelling.
In “I Was An Escort Girl”, a woman, duh, becomes an escort girl only to fall for a good-looking john. But it turns out he’s an undercover cop trying to bring down her pimp – probably the unpimpiest-looking pimp ever.
The only good thing about “Too Fat For Love” is the title which still makes me smile. The tedious story follows a brain-dead girl who believes no-one will love her because she’s plump, so her brain-dead father (a wealthy factory owner) pays one of his colleagues to pretend to love his daughter.
The daughter finds out and is distraught but falls for the suit-wearing teenage boy from her school who’s been professing his love for her in a creepy stalker-ish way the whole time. And, in the end, she drops the weight after a breakdown and starves herself, becoming a thin girl. Aww, happy, brain-dead ending!
In “Slave to Despair”, the world’s oldest teenager (she looks like a middle-aged schoolmarm) falls for a guy who gets her hooked on drugs. There’s a one-page bio of Ronald Reagan from 1952 proclaiming him the “Dream Beau of the Month” and in “Beautiful One” a blank canvas of a man learns the banality that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
“Mini Must Go” is pretty funny in the way the clueless office manager tries banning short skirts because they turn him on, only for the ringleader of the fashionistas to fall for him. And “Bosco Plays Matchmaker” is crazy because a young man and woman constantly show up in front of Bosco the bear’s cage in the zoo – I guess zoos were a pickup spot in the ‘60s?
Bosco pretends to attack the woman who’s gone into his cage for her things, before the man heroically steps in and Bosco allows him to punch him in the nose and “save” her. That’s definitely the weirdest love story of the bunch, though also the saddest as Bosco was probably put down afterwards for being aggressive.
Weird Love #2 is basically more of the same as the first issue, though I realised I’m no longer interested in reading any more weird romance comics from yesteryear. They’re kind of predictable in their oddness and the laughs are few and far between, while the poor writing and art soon begins to grate. It’s an interesting project that has its niche audience, but I think I’m about done with the concept after two issues.
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